martes, 22 de julio de 2008

A muerte...

Cito a Paul Auster (o quien sea el verdadero narrador de City of Glass):

“So many things were disappearing now, it was difficult to keep track of them. Quinn tried to work his way through the Mets’ lineup, position by position, but his mind was beginning to wander. The centerfielder, he remembered, was Mookie Wilson, a promising young placer whose real name was William Wilson. Surely there was something interesting in that. Quinn pursued the idea a few moments but then abandoned it. The two William Wilsons cancelled each other out, and that was all. Quinn waved good-bye to them in his mind. The Mets would finish in last place again, and no one would suffer.”

Inquietante. Sobre todo siendo fan de los Mets.

Hoy el equipo inicia el duelo a muerte con los Phillies para ocupar el primer lugar de la División Este de la Liga Nacional.

Y como Quinn ya no lo puede pensar, decir, ni escribir, yo lo pienso, lo digo, lo escribo por él: "Let’s go Mets!".

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